Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Halfmoon Race at Shem Creek Canceled Tonight

I just spoke to Katey at Halfmoon and they canceled because of weather tonight and plan to reschedule for August 9.
I think a couple of people might brave the weather and go out for a paddle anyway.  Join us at Shem Creek at 6 if you don't mind the rain.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun Stuff - Tuesday Race and Social Paddle

Hope you all enjoyed the past couple of weeks. It's been hot and windy, but I know some of you have been out. I heard a few super girls made the Sullivan's Island 8+ mile loop on Sunday AND made a rescue on the way back into Breach Inlet!

Tuesday, July 26 @ 6pm - Halfmoon Outfitters Naish Race - Shem Creek
Wednesday, July 27 @ 6pm - Social Paddle - Brittlebank

I hope to see you out!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pictures from Shem Creek SUP Shootout 2011

Thanks so much Sammie Arnold and Greg for taking so many great pictures at the Shootout!  Check out the entire album.  Don't forget about the race this Saturday at Station 30 on Sullivan's.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shem Creek Shootout = Fun

The Shem Creek Shootout filled the weekend with fun! Many thanks to David Clifford at Charleston Watersport for his generosity--the parties and prizes were fantastic. Ryan was awesome and kept us calm and collected. I'm also sending out a special thank you to Kelly Haver and Amy Treneff who signed up to help out with registration and "got a whole lot more important" since they ended up timing the races and dealing with results! Additional super volunteers Caroline, Amy Z, Eddie, Jameson, Sammie, Greg, Misty, Damon, Danielle, Mike E and many others pitched in and helped make the weekend great.
David Secrest was kind enough to rub some sweaty, sunscreen covered bodies down afterwards with awesome massages, and did it in the heat, with a smile! Be sure to contact him at elitebodywork@gmail.com if you need someone to work the kinks out.
The staff at Red's was incredibly cool, the food was great and the beer was cold!
Congratulations to everyone who came out and raced--it was a tough day. Our local prize winners were Mike Evatt, Jeremy Whitted, Jenny Alderman, Clay Thornhill, Danielle Licari, Kenny Puckett and Jameson Sanders. I apologize if I missed anyone or ruined the spelling of your name!
I loved hanging out with all of the great people and had fun the entire weekend even though I got spanked by those awesome girls from Wilmington and my brother (this time).
Fun day Sunday is coming to an end, but the Tuesday night Halfmoon Outfitters race is right around the corner and so is the social paddle on Wednesday. Check the last post for other fun things coming up. Hope to see you out.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Race Weekend Starts Today! + Upcoming Paddles

It's good to be home!  

The Shem Creek Shootout starts tonight with a pre-party/late registration at Red's at 6pm.  Come by and get your race packets and for some food and drinks sponsored by David Clifford at Charleston Watersport.  Race meeting is tomorrow morning at 8:00 am and the races begin at 9:00 (maps below) and the party follows (around 11:00).  Sunday will be fun day at Station 30.  Come out and bring your friends and family for all of it whether you plan to race (and you should) or just watch.  This event benefits Wounded Warrior and will bring in paddlers from all over.  Thank you in advance to all of the awesome volunteers.  We could still use some help with photos and a few other jobs if you want to help out in exchange for a t-shirt, party pass and many thanks.  Let me know. 

Upcoming Events  - There is so much going on, but here are just a few of the fun things to hit this week!

Tuesday, July 12, at 6:00pm at Shem Creek (Halfmoon Naish Race Series)
Wednesday, July 13, at 6:00 pm at Brittlebank (Social Paddle) - RSVP
Friday, July 15, at 8:00 pm at Bowen's Island (please RSVP)or Pitt Street Bridge (Full Moon Paddles) 
Saturday, July 16, at 8:00 am at TBA (Charleston Watersport 50/50 Race Series

Hope to see you out!